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Between the Bricks


Between the Bricks was commissioned by the Berlin Wall Memorial to open a new memorial landscape and close the ceremony marking 50 years since the building of the Berlin Wall, attended by Angela Merkel and the German president, Christian Wulff and broadcast live on public television to an audience of 425,000. 


The piece was created with a cast of volunteers in the two weeks before the event. Co-choreographers were Fiona Edwards and Anna-Luise Recke and music by Wassily Gerassimez. Film by Sven O. Hill.


Tagesspiegel 14.8.2011   


"For her and many other visitors it is an emotional experience to be here on this particular day. Above all, during the official opening of the new memorial landscape, as, after the political speeches, there is a dance performance which ends with a symbolic overcoming of the wall, one sees many damp eyes in the audience."


"Für Sie und viele andere Besucher ist es ein emotionales Erlebnis, gerade an diesem Tag hier zu sein. Vor allem bei der offiziellen Eröffnung des neuen Areals, als es nach den Politikreden eine Tanzperformance gibt, bei der die Mauer am Schluss symbolisch überwunden wird, sieht man viele feuchte Augen im Publikum."














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